Our Whole Heart Goes Into Our Work.
Animals are a natural and integral part of our lives. Our priority is to create the best possible conditions for them, whether they are mothers, calves that remain with their mothers and drink milk until they are weaned, cattle undergoing fattening, or the stud bulls.
Our goal is to create a “little bit of France” here in the Czech Republic and offer our business partners genetically high-quality Charolais breeding animals.
Why all this?
The end product of this entire process is, of course, high-quality meat.
We raise our animals with the desire to create the best possible meat for our demanding customers. We put all our efforts into making this happen, and we’re positive that we’re succeeding.
Our herd was selected in cooperation with french company SIMON GENETIC (www.simongenetic.com). Breeding animals are coming from the best french breeding farms.